suggestive pack hunter build
this build overcomes the weakness to packhunting that ive found, which is massive degen builds and lack of heals as result, which ive been c'ing more commonly with toxicity. i duno what u guys run, but this what we ran, the only problem is u cant hold hall's as we figured, but u can win it easily. -- insane pressure
6 R/P - 12 spear, split b/w expertise and whatever spirit u are bring, favor expertise more
1. - Barbed Spear
2. - Disrupting Throw
3. - Swift Javelin
4. - Mighty Throw / Tigers Fury
5.- Cauterization signet
6. - Res
7. - *variable*
8. - charm pet
N/mo (ooa) , ooa, mark of pain,mend condition, aegis,extinguish, reversal hex,convert hex, res -- 16 curse, 10 soul reap, 9 prot.
N/mo(oop) - oop,dywana's sorrow,infuse,heal area, convert hex's,glimmering light,seed,res -- 16 blood, 10 soul reap, 9 heal.
-- explanation.
- Firstly the idea behind cautization is that, with 6 people with it, u have zero problem with conditions, and the burn can be easily counteracted by mend condition or extinguish.
-- Dywana's sorrow is for the pets, and for those who u know will die, no matter what. it gives u an edge.
- the order of spamming skils is 1-4, rince and repeat, --considered dropping Mighty Throw, for tigers fury works good to. ..
--*variable* slot - this slot consist of 5 rangers bringing spirits and 1 ranger bringing song of concentration of capping.
- 1st spirit - winnow -- extra damage
-2nd - qz -- for nec's. more efficent heals etc.
- 3rd - ew -- for nec's
- 4th - fs/muddy terrain (MT maybe.. never used it) --
- 5th - qz2 -- qz1 doesnt last long enough
Last edited by banditjin; Sep 24, 2006 at 10:13 AM // 10:13..